Stress Resiliency

Adjunct Services

Are you looking to help your client or patient get “unstuck” and/or boost their current therapy, medical treatments or other healing modality?

As a stress resiliency specialist, I strongly recommend incorporating holistic practices that regulate the nervous system and help individuals achieve a greater sense of calm, balance, and resiliency. Addressing nervous system regulation through a process of befriending the NS and introducing neuro-somatic practices, it is possible to gently open the individual’s window of tolerance. In turn, this regulation allows all therapies and treatments to be received more thoroughly and have a greater impact on your patient’s overall well-being.

I am available to work with your patient using brief 4-week protocols that engage Clinical EFT, SSP sound therapy and/or HeatMath with Biofeedback. Alternatively, I can work with individuals on a per session basis incorporating complementary mind-body modalities, in-person or through zoom. I will work closely with you to determine what is right for your patient’s unique situation.

Each session will provide practical tools and structures for introducing nervous system regulation into daily life. This self-agency encourages individuals to take an active part in their healing journey and equips them with the tools to return to a state of balance even during stressful times.

Contact me directly to help determine which pathway is the right fit…

Brief 4-week Interventions

  • Clinical Emotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT for short, enables us to effectively shift stuck patterns of behavior, physical ailments, traumatic experiences, anxious feelings and long-standing emotional triggers….all sources of stress in our bodies.

    EFT is also effective in generating improvements in wanted skills or behaviors, such as reaching your optimal efficiency in a particular sport or keeping mentally focused and calm during an exam. EFT significantly increases positive emotions, self esteem and resilience, and decreases negative emotional states.

    EFT has also been shown to lower levels of the stress hormone, cortisol. By releasing stress through EFT, we are bringing the nervous system to a more balanced and open state that is receptive for learning and shifting the way we view and respond to distressing experiences now and in the future.

    The Clinical EFT Intervention program includes 4 zoom or in-person sessions (60-75-min each), as well as email/text support and accountability throughout the program.

  • The SSP is an evidence-based digital sound therapy that facilitates a calmer, flexible, and more regulated nervous system state to support health, productivity, growth & renewal.

    Suitable to be used with adults, teenagers and children.

    Used effectively with individuals experiencing anxiety, trauma and PTSD symptoms.

    Effective for those with sound sensitivities, behavioral state regulation difficulties, sensory processing differences, social engagement challenges, ADHD and more.

    Can be delivered in a group setting in some situations, such as within a family, and in some circumstances, it may also be delivered remotely.

    The SSP Program includes a comprehensive introduction to nervous system regulation techniques in combination with an auditory program that is akin to a “workout” for the nervous system.

    The program includes:

    -access to a digital platform for the auditory listening

    -4 live sessions via Zoom or in-office

    -email and text support throughout the intervention as needed

  • HeartMath is a system of simple yet powerful self-regulation techniques which are easy to learn and designed to be used “in the moment”, whatever the situation, so you can bring your best self to your professional, social and family lives. These tools also help to build the capacity for managing stress and regulating emotions in future situations for maximum levels of productivity and flow.

    These rhythmic breathing-based regulation techniques are integrated over the four weeks and reinforced using Biofeedback. In HeartMath sessions, we can track the changes in nervous system regulation using HRV and Coherence monitoring technology to allow you to see first hand how your efforts directly impact your well-being.

    The HeartMath Program includes 4 zoom or in-person sessions, along with email and text acceeess to provider for support and accountability.

    note: zoom sessions require the purchase of a personal biofeedback device ($95)

Individual Sessions

  • Individual sessions for NS Regulation can include a number of different modalities.

    60-75 min

  • When ultimate flexibility is needed, on-site sessions can be scheduled.

    60-75 min.

Contact me directly to discuss any patients you think could benefit from greater stress resiliency…